Writing With Kincade Fiction focuses primarily on fiction novels and memoirs, but other genres will be considered. Four Editing Services are available:
- Proofreading
- Copy Editing
- Line Editing
- Developmental Editing
Each one offers a different assessment of your manuscript with advice for revisions and corrections.
Communication between the author and editor will be via email. Each editing package also includes one video conference after both participants have reviewed the editing recommendations to address questions or concerns.
If major revisions are needed, the editor may suggest a final pass after changes have been made. This editing pass will be at the proofreading price.
If you are considering One-on-One Coaching, Editing packages can be combined with Coaching services.
Proofreading takes your standard spellcheck much further. It assesses the manuscript for punctuation, spelling, grammar, and overall consistency errors.
Includes one 30-minute video conference after the proofread, a $50 value
Rate: $.02/word
Example: 40,000 word manuscript = $800
Copy Editing
Copy Editing includes proofreading but goes on to incorporate content editing for plot structure, pacing, point of view, and character consistency.
Includes one 60-minute video conference after the edit, a $100 value
Rate: $.03/word
Example: 40,000 word manuscript = $1200
With 25% Off Limited Time Offer: $900
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Line Editing
Line Editing includes copy editing but dives deeper into the individual "lines" of text that make up your manuscript. This eliminates overused words, applies sentence revisions for flow, and considers word choice for the best reading experience.
Includes one 60-minute video conference after the edit, a $100 value
Rate: $.04/word
Example: 40,000 word manuscript = $1600
With 25% Off Limited Time Offer: $1200
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Developmental Editing
Developmental Editing includes line editing but draws on the editor's understanding of the broader storyline. Improving character development, consistency, story pacing, plot holes, and twist endings from the editor's suggestions will often take a 4-star book to 5 stars.
Includes one 60-minute video conference after the edit, a $100 value
Rate: $.05/word
Example: 40,000 word manuscript = $2000
With 25% Off Limited Time Offer: $1500
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Please keep in mind that editing takes a large investment of time from both the author and editor. Editing packages are non-refundable. However, in extreme situations, accommodations may be made. Contact Weston Kincade at weston@kincadefiction in such instances.
"I met Weston on a writer’s social website back in 2010. Even then he was encouraging and helpful, leading me step by step from the mechanics of CMoS to the final posting on Amazon/Smashwords. He introduced me to my first cover artist, several forms of marketing, and when he was busy teaching or writing himself, to my favorite editor, Katy. I’ve published 31 novels on Amazon since we met, and Weston has edited or beta-read over half of them. Read the dedication of any successful novel, and you’ll see that it takes a village and a lot of work to move from concept to delivery. If you’re lucky, you’ll have someone like Weston in your corner who has been through the process numerous times and can guide you.
"Proverbs 27:17 Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other."
- Science Fiction/Fantasy Author Scott Rhine